Coin Mining Setup

Coin Mining Setup

Min­ing coins in lost wallets

Imag­ine you access­ing thou­sands of wal­lets, search­ing for lost or for­got­ten cryp­tocur­ren­cies, and find­ing one of them that has 1,000 bit­coins, which were sent to that wal­let at a time when they had no val­ue, and were lost there until then. 

What would you do?

We have a sys­tem that mines cryp­tocur­ren­cy wal­lets to look for lost or for­got­ten wal­lets. It is esti­mat­ed that there are 10x more coins in these lost wal­lets than there are coins to be mined.

Our sys­tem cap­tures the key­words of wal­lets, ran­dom­ly over the inter­net, and what needs to be done after that is to man­u­al­ly access them one by one to check if they have a bal­ance and if they are real­ly inac­tive. Under these con­di­tions, just trans­fer the coins to your own wal­let and con­vert them into cash.

When mak­ing the pay­ment, just send us your email (@GMAIL.COM) and we will give you access to the list of wal­lets found. We have sev­er­al plans, check before choos­ing below.

How it works?

We have com­put­ers doing online search­es and run­ning tests to ensure that the secu­ri­ty phras­es found match some cryp­tocur­ren­cy wal­let. We have sep­a­rat­ed these account recov­ery phras­es into sev­er­al files to be made avail­able to inter­est­ed par­ties. With the phras­es in hand, what you need to do is access each of these wal­lets (there are auto­mat­ed ways to do this, to save time) and check whether or not you have a bal­ance avail­able, and whether they are active or inactive.

We do not con­done the mis­use of these passphras­es. As they are ran­dom­ly picked up on the inter­net, they can access lost, unowned wal­lets, as well as access wal­lets that have an own­er. In case they are ACTIVE wal­lets (belong­ing to some­one), we ask that you do not trans­fer val­ues ​​or move them in any way, as they will be sub­ject to the laws in force in your ter­ri­to­ry. Our only inten­tion is to mine and help peo­ple find lost wal­lets that still have a balance. (Coin Mining Setup.)

Has any­one ever found coins by min­ing wallets?

There are sev­er­al cas­es around the world, of wal­lets that were aban­doned and inac­tive for years, and that at a cer­tain point became active and the Bit­coins inside them were with­drawn. See some famous cas­es that made news around the world:

Satoshi Era Bit­coin Wal­let Awak­ens with BTC Worth 62x in USD,when%20the%20wallet%20was%20inactive.

Bit­coin wal­let wakes up after 8 years, $6k becomes $1.5crore

Inac­tive Bit­coin wal­let with 321 BTC is acti­vat­ed after eight years

Sleep­ing Bit­coin Whale Awak­ens After Almost 10 Years

Is it more worth doing cryp­tocur­ren­cy min­ing or wal­let mining?

Let’s com­pare the two sit­u­a­tions: To mine cryp­tocur­ren­cies, like Bit­coin for exam­ple, you need to invest in expen­sive equip­ment that con­sumes a lot of ener­gy. These devices need to be on 24 hours a day for years to find a few frac­tions or a few cryp­tocur­ren­cies in total. Any cryp­tocur­ren­cy min­er avail­able today needs a very high investment.

In the case of wal­let min­ing, we can com­pare it to a lot­tery draw. While in a com­mon lot­tery game we have one chance out of mil­lions of pos­si­bil­i­ties, in wal­let min­ing we have mil­lions of chances (since there are mil­lions of wal­lets cre­at­ed) out of tril­lions of pos­si­bil­i­ties. We can­not guar­an­tee that you will def­i­nite­ly find a wal­let con­tain­ing lost bit­coins, but your invest­ment for this is low, and your chances are worth it, and they increase as you put time and ded­i­ca­tion into this hunt. (Coin Mining Setup.)

Our plans:
